Leslie Gerry’s range of wild animals has been a best-seller for many years with his Duck artwork being one of his most popular. Birdwatchers and fans of the outdoors have appreciated the Duck artwork due to the incredible amount of detail showcased within it. If you or someone you care about appreciates colourful, beautiful art, then we stock the perfect range of gifts including homeware, kitchenware and stationery.
Ducks may be an acquired taste…pardon the pun. However, Leslie Gerry has always appreciated their natural beauty. Leslie portrays the male Duck in his images because the colouring of male Ducks is more impressive. Notice the detail in Leslie’s artwork in that the Duck possesses curled feathers near the end of the tail which is only present in the males of the species. Ducks can become very tame due to people feeding them daily in local parks and have no problem with people approaching to admire them…so long as they’re getting something tasty to eat! A funny little fact is that despite the males being arguably more aesthetically pleasing than the females, after mating, while the female is laying her eggs, they temporarily lose their brightly coloured feathers and look more like the females. Even the Males take their good clothes off and let their style fade for a while.
Leslie truly does capture the natural beauty of these birds with phenomenal attention to detail showing all the beautiful colours that are present from beak to tail. Couple this with a lovely aqua-blue background that contrasts the Duck brilliantly, this really is an excellent gift for anyone that appreciates the beauty of the natural world. We believe that we stock the best duck gifts in the UK and are sure that you will find the perfect gifts for duck lovers.